Happy New Year everyone, and welcome back to my blog. Every single year I try to join my favourite reading challenges to help keep me on track with my reading goals. This year I've decided to join my two favourites from last year. If I find any others that I'm interested in, I may join them too. Here are my 2018 Reading Challenges and Goals.
I'd like to introduce you to the 2018 Audiobook Challenge, hosted by the lovely Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Hot Listens. The objective of this challenge is to listen to as many audiobooks as you can throughout the year of 2018. Click here for the full set of rules and the sign up page.
For the year of 2017, I pledge to listen to 10-15 audiobooks, which enters me in the Socially Awkward (Don't talk to me) level.

Another year, another Netgalley & Edelweiss Challenge. This will be my fourth year doing this challenge, the first year this was a major fail, the second and third year I almost doubled my goal, so lets see how this year goes. If you're not familiar with this challenge then check out the rule and sign up sheet over at Bookish Things & More. I hope you'll join me on this one!
I'm signing up for the Silver level this year, which is a total of 25 book from Netgalley or Edelweiss.
Let me know which other challenges I should sign up for, and if you're doing these ones with me.
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