Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Book Tour & Review: Fate of the Stars by Arwen Paris

Fate of the Stars
Arwen Paris
Publication date: September 1st 2017
Genres: Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Young Adult

Synopsis: When the fate of the world rests upon you…
Allison Delaney wants to spend her senior year healing from the loss of her father, to leave the shadows of his death and her junior year break-down behind. A Labor Day beach party seems like a good place to start…but there’s more danger lurking than anyone could imagine. Death is coming to Earth if the pods of infectious creatures aren’t stopped. But only one human can help…
To live or die is no longer a choice.
Eenoki is a protector of life but must have a sentient host to fight the invasion. A teenage girl would not be the best choice, but out of desperation Eenoki invades Allison’s mind and body, granting her unnatural abilities and strengths – and helping her escape certain death when the first wave of pods land.
As destruction rains down on Earth’s population, Allison realizes to save everyone, she must make the ultimate choice: Reject her human side and bond with Eenoki to become the Earth’s Priestess – or be killed along with the rest of humanity.

My Rating
3/5 stars

My Review
Fate of the Stars is an epic story of an alien invasion and an unlikely heroine. 

Allison is a loner, and ever more so after the death of her father. With a mother who choses to ignore her, and a best friend who's just entered a new relationship, Allison is completely alone, that is until an alien spirit named Eenoki inhabits her body. When an evil race of aliens come down to Earth and start killing it's inhabitants, Eenoki and Allison may be the only ones to stop it. 

I really enjoyed reading from Allison's point of view. While she may not be the smartest character, she is definitely very determined and the character development she goes through in the book is truly amazing. In the beginning of the book we see that Allison is very shy and socially awkward. She doesn't like people very much and would rather be in her room alone than face any of her problems. After the descent of the aliens, we see Allison step out of her shell, she finally starts opening up about her emotions and becomes a stronger and more determined character, mostly due to Eenoki's help. Overall, she was a wonderful main character.

I wasn't a huge fan of any of the side characters. The ones we see the most are her best friend, her mother and her best friend's boyfriend. They were all interesting and unique in their own way, but none of them stood out or really impressed me.

The one aspect of the book that I wasn't super fond of was the storyline and how it played out. While I absolutely loved the beginning, especially with the beginning of the descent, I found the middle of the story to be repetitive and a tad boring. While I don't want to spoil too much of the story, I will say that the middle revolves around Allison going somewhere, and then running away, and then returning to that same place, only to run away again. It was a lot of back and forth, and while I can see why the author chose to write it this way, it became boring quite quickly because it didn't feel like the main character was accomplishing anything. Also this didn't help with the world building of the story, as we only get to see a very limited number of spaces.

Overall, while it had a few flaws, I think the idea behind this book is brilliant and the main character is absolutely fantastic. I can't wait to continue reading this series and see what will happen next.

Author Bio:
Arwen Paris is the author of young adult fiction. Her debut YA Sci-fi Urban Fantasy novel FATE OF THE STARS releases September 1, 2017. The actions packed pages of her novels are filled with characters that are forced to face fears they never expected. When she's not writing, you can see posts of her (too many) vacations that keep her sane. Arwen lives in Washington, has a big crazy family & after the day job, she writes Fiction For the Fearless - #F3Fanatic




  1. Sounds like an amazing read! Thanks so much for the giveaway too!!! ♥

  2. Thanks for being on the tour, Aneta! :)

  3. i would love to read this on a ipad mini thanks for chance

  4. YA Sci-fy has quickly become a fav genre of mine

    1. Right? It's definitely a great genre for when you need some action and adventure. I love it!

  5. Sounds like a thrilling storyline, I always love the unlikely girl/boy saving the world

  6. I like the cover. Thank you for the review and giveaway


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